Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The gloves feel tight against her fingers

The comfort of laytex surronds her hands
like a warm blanket; security in plastic,
pulled over her long sleeves that end
in a turtle-neck, tucked into slim jeans
under boots and thick crew socks.

Stand up, one foot, one foot, turn around.

10 steps to the door, touch knob,
one turn two turns..........interruption.
Turn, 10 teps back to bed, turn, 10 steps
back to door, knob, touch, turn once, twice
three times, open, two steps, close, twelve
steps to stairway, 14 steps to the landing.

30 steps to kitchen, coffee, two toasts, three pats of butter, one egg.

Scrub, clean, wipe ech plate 5 times, magical
numbers that keep her safe, open, close, open cabinet,
amonia, bleach (but never together) because she's
never liked couples touching each other.

Dust, place each item at exact 90 degree angle
Routine after lunch, routine after dinner,
60 minutes of television, same channel, same time
never handle the dirty tuner, germs are everywhere
We're all going to die!

Check locks 3 times, check windows 4 times,
56 steps to the landing, 14 steps to the top,
12 steps to the bedroom door, turn knob, turn knob
turn knob, 10 steps to bed, turnturnturn, covers down,
covers up, covers down, right leg up, left leg up,
covers up, covers down covers up, light off.

9 hour of sleep, then do it again....